This script is excellent. Note that it can be passed arguments to allow operation from non-standard ports. This is useful because I have had issues connecting out from home because of problems with my OVPN client receiving packets from the home… Read More
Setting up a simple dns server with dnsmasq
I am setting up a VPN server and need to be able to route dns traffic through the VPN to pick up appropriate geo specific IPs from DNS servers near the VPN endpoint. However, I need to fudge a particular local… Read More
Zone minder problem: no image in monitor
Solution: Two tweaks must be applied. Part 1 In the web interface, go to options -> paths, and update PATH_ZMS from “/cgi-bin/nph-zms” to “/zoneminder/cgi-bin/nph-zms” Now, I get the following errors in the apache error log: ==> error.log <==[Tue Feb 09… Read More
Installing memcached in WHM
My notes here for future because it took 2 hours to get working on WHM/Centos while vanilla Ubuntu too 2 minutes…. Update: There is now a much easier way. Since writing this article, Memcached has become available in WHM via… Read More
Mysterious HTTP redirect 302
A mysterious problem surfaced where an Android app making POST requests to an XML api would receive HTTP 302 redirect responses instead of valid 200 responses. Using a web browser with a mobile user agent (admittedly I didn’t try the… Read More
Using matplotlib in PHP
I want to use the power of Matplotlib (fantastic python graphing library) in an existing php application of mine. Before embarking on the specifics of my application, I tried to get a super simple demo up and running, which proved… Read More
Installing VMWare tools on Kali Linux
The linux version (uname -r) only has 2 digits instead of 3. Solution to fix the init.d file is here:
Permissions issues in CPanel can cause 500 errors
I was somewhat led down the garden path recently with an error on a Cpanel system recently that turned out to be a permissions issue. It turns out that incorrect permissions can cause a 500 (Internal Server Error), rather than… Read More
Upgrading Virtualbox Extension packs from the command line
I recommend saving the state or shutting down any virtual machines that are running. Next, find out the name of any existing extension packs: Extension Packs: 1Pack no. 0: Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension PackVersion: 4.3.6Revision: 91406Edition:Description: USB 2.0 Host Controller,… Read More
Adding CPU cores to existing XP virtual machine
I used to run 32bit Mint on a dual core Pentium with 4GB of RAM that I threw together for $500 in 2009. Because the OS was 32bit and the CPU didn’t have VT-X, I could never have multiple cores… Read More